My Services

Resume Writing & Editing

Your resume is your first impression, we'll help you create and/or shape up your resume. Focusing on things such format, spacing, grammar, results-driven language and overall look, we’ll leave your resume ready to impress.

LinkedIn Account Set-Up & Editing

LinkedIn is a powerful tool to find jobs and grow your network online. We’ll guide you in setting up, editing, and creating the perfect profile so you can start connecting with others.

Application Writing

Many positions and programs require a written application. We’re here to streamline the process for you, ensuring a persuasive and effective writing sample.

Cover Letter Writing

A cover letter boosts your candidate profile and provides context into your experience & interests. When you work with us, we’ll help you write a concise, comprehensive and compelling cover letter that is sure to catch the eye of your favorite company.

Job Search & Networking

Preparation can only take you so far: we’ll aide you in effective job search strategies as well as boost your networking skills to connect you with the right people & opportunities

*NEW* UK HPI Visa Consulting

If you’ve graduated from one of these universities in the past 5 years and are thinking of moving to the UK, look no further. While the UK Visa process can be complicated, we’ll help you work through the steps and gather all the materials required to apply for the High Potential Individual Visa.

Interview Prep

The most successful interviewees are the ones who come prepared. We thoroughly prepare clients to put their best foot forward in behavioral interviews